Ludolf Ulrich, Simon Sosnitza (ed.)

Neue Forschungen zum Zisterzienserkloster Loccum.

Eine Kooperation des Klosters Loccum, der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum und der Abteilung für Kulturgeschichte und vergleichende Landesforschung der Universität Vechta.
Series: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte, Beiheft 14
2nd revised Edition, Conference Volume

[New Studies on the Cistercian Abbey Loccum.]

The abbey of Loccum, founded in 1163 by the counts of Hallermund, rapidly developed into a spiritual and economical centre in the Leine-Weser-area and was at the same time a focal point of aristocratic networks. To celebrate its 850th anniversary, an interdisciplinary conference was held in Loccum, organized by the abbey, the Evangelische Akademie Loccum and the Abteilung für Kulturgeschichte und vergleichende Landesforschung at the University of Vechta. This volume comprises eight of the papers given at the conference which gives new insights into the history of architecture, memoria, the economical history as well as the reformation period in Loccum.


2nd, revised Edition, 276 Pages, Hardcover, Thread-Stitched, Richly Illustrated, Index, Date of Publication: 22 July 2016, Format: 14,8 x 21 cm

Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-943025-30-9
42.00 €

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Monastery History / Middle Ages / Social Networks / History of Architecture / Economic History / Protestant Reformation / Protestant Regular Clergy / Memoria / Monastic Granges / Gerhard Wolter Molanus

Dennis Majewski, Rez. zu Ludolf Ulrich / Simon Sosnitza: Neue Forschungen zum Zisterzienserkloster Loccum. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2015, in: Analecta Cisterciensia 66 (2016), S. 523-526.

Jörg Voigt, Rez. zu Ludolf Ulrich / Simon Sosnitza: Neue Forschungen zum Zisterzienserkloster Loccum. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2015, in: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte 114 (2016), S. 315 ff.

Norbert Orthen, Rez. zu Ludolf Ulrich / Simon Sosnitza: Neue Forschungen zum Zisterzienserkloster Loccum. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2015, in: Cistercienser Chronik 122 (2015) 3, S. 527.

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SIMON SOSNITZA, born in 1981 in Nienburg Weser, studied History, Geography, and Sociology at the University of Vechta. After having worked for the project „Historiography of Loccum in the late middle ages and the early modern period“, he is currently working as research assistant at the professorial chair for the history of the middle ages and the early modern period at the University of Mannheim.

LUDOLF ULRICH, born in 1936 in Hildesheim, is retired pastor of the St. Johannis parish in Verden/Aller. Since 1985, he is a member of the Convent of Loccum Abbey. Together with Abbot Horst Hirschler he edited „Kloster Loccum-Geschichten“, published in 2012 in Hannover.


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