Matthias Wollmann

Verträge des Heiligen Stuhls

Konkordate mit den deutschen Bundesländern und der Republik Österreich - Regelungsmaterien im Vergleich

This jurisprudential and historical dissertation compares the concordates between the Vatican and the German countries as well as Austria since the Middle Ages. Its emphasis lies on the treaties in the 20th and 21st century. Comparing the treaties between church and different German states, especially in the 3rd Reich, the times after the Great Wars, and the German reunification, it highlights new and traditional priorities alike.

Eick Verlag

752 pages, Hardcover, to be publishedin autumn 2018, format: 16 x 22,5 cm

Language: Deutsch
ISBN: 978-3-9815733-5-0
98.00 €

The title is currently not available.


Staatskirchenvertrag / Rechtsnatur der Konkordate
Regelungsmaterien / Vatikan / Staatskirchenrecht / Bayern
Preußen / Republik Baden / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Rheinland-
Pfalz / Sachsen / Thüringen / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
/ Sachsen-Anhalt / Brandenburg / Bremen / Hamburg

Please contact us with any questions via our contact form.

Matthias Wollmann received his degree in law by the universities of Passau and Regensburg after which he completed his postgradual master studies of comparative political science and law at Andrássy-University in Budapest, Hungary. He also studied law at the university in Vienna and received his PhD at the Paris-Lodron-University in Salzburg, Austria with this dissertation.


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