Stefan Eick

Die Kanzlei und das Urkundenwesen der Grafen von Holstein-Schaumburg zwischen 1189 und 1290.

Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung materieller, prosopographischer und verwaltungspraktischer Aspekte.

[The Chancellery and the Production of Deeds by the Counts of Holstein-Schaumburg between 1189 and 1290.]

This study analyses the production of indentures by the counts of Schaumburg-Lippe, from the times of count Adolf III. until the rule of his grandson count Gerhard I. It focuses on the following questions: How was the chancellery financed and what were the influences of the division of territories in 1273? What happened to the chancellors after they developed presbyopia? Which networks did the chancellors develop in the followership of the counts? How could they be used to secure the provision of their own relatives?



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731 Pages, Paperback, 11 Specimens of Handwriting, Date of Publication: September 2008, Format: 17 x 24 cm

Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-9812101-2-5
85.00 €

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Medieval History / 12th and 13th Century / Diplomatics / Notaries / Chancellery / Administration / Charters / Social Networks / Schaumburg / Holstein

Arend Mindermann, Rez. zu Stefan Eick: Die Kanzlei und das Urkundenwesen der Grafen von Holstein-Schaumburg zwischen 1189 und 1290 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung materieller, prosopographischer und verwaltungspraktischer Aspekte. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2008, in: Niedersächsiches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 83 (2011), S. 411 f.

Stefan Petersen, Rez. zu Stefan Eick: Die Kanzlei und das Urkundenwesen der Grafen von Holstein-Schaumburg zwischen 1189 und 1290 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung materieller, prosopographischer und verwaltungspraktischer Aspekte. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2008, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, Bd. 67,2 (2011),  681.

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Stefan Eick studied History, Islamic studies, and Public law in Göttingen and Kiel. He received his PhD with this thesis. 2008 he founded the Solivagus Publishing House.


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