Marie Buňatová (Hg.)

Migrationsprozesse und Mobilität

der europäischen Juden am Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit


Migration and mobility have had a significant impact on the development of European societies for centuries. Jewish communities in particular have been continually shaped by these phenomena. This volume is dedicated to the forced and voluntary mobility of individuals and Jewish communities in Austria, Germany, Bohemia and Silesia during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Family relationships, knowledge transfer, economic reasons and expulsions were the most important reasons for relocation. The ambivalent attitude of the legislative authorities between rejecting the Jews on religious grounds and recognising their economic importance created additional uncertainty for them.

In this volume, the authors from the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Poland analyse the causes, processes and consequences of Jewish migration in Central Europe. In view of the current migration movements, they make an important contribution to analysing and understanding migration processes and their diverse causes.



1. Auflage. Hardcover, Fadenheftung. Format: 160 x 225 mm. 393 Seiten. Mit 18 farbigen Fotografien und Abbildungen sowie 3 Karten.
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2024

Language: Deutsch
ISBN: 978-3-943025-72-9
65.00 €

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Migration / Mobilität / Migrationsgeschichte / Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Mitteleuropa / Juden / Mittelalter / Frühe Neuzeit / Österreich / Deutschland / Böhmen / Schlesien / Prag / Posen / Steiermark / Kärnten / Thüringen / Enns / Mähren / Frankfurt am Main / Vertreibung / Wiener Gesera / Kaiser Maximilian I. / Rabbiner / Chaim Schachor

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Dr. Marie Buňatová studied history at Charles University in Prague and received her doctorate from the University of Vienna in 2009. She is a research associate at the Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and teaches at the Institute of World History at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. In 2019, she was awarded the Lumina queruntur Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Her research focuses on the history of Jews in Central Europe, migration and the economic history of the early modern period.


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