Schrift und Schriftlichkeit
in höfischen Erzähltexten des 13. Jahrhunderts.
[Writing and Writenness in Courtly Tales from the 13th Century.]
This study analyses how ten courtly tales from the 13th century deal with writtenness. Among them Wolfgang von Eschenbachs “Parzival”, Ulrich von Liechtensteins “Frauendienst”, “Prosalancelot” and “Reinfried von Braunschweig” by an anonymous author. It asks which conscious and unconscious expectations existed towards writtenness in the Middle Ages.
664 Pages, Hardcover, Thread-Stitched, Date of Publication: April 2014, Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
Language: German, Middle High German
ISBN: 978-3-943025-14-9
74.00 €
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